Queering Parenthood
Queering Parenthood
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Our Findings

What were the general findings?

With the wealth of data collected, we have many projects in the works that explore our findings. This includes:

What are the mental health experiences of visible and invisible sexual minority women through the transition to parenthood? This work addresses our first research question about risk for postpartum depression across our participant groups:

Who are the invisible sexual minority women? This work explores the diversity within the category of ISM women, and examines whether different subgroups show different patterns of depression or anxiety:

Characterizing non-monosexual women at risk for poor mental health outcomes: A mixed methods study

Reproductive and pregnancy experiences of diverse sexual minority women explores the experiences ISM and VSM women throughout family building, reproductive and pregnancy processes:

Sexual minority mothers processes of gendering expression among their children explores what ISM women think about in relations to gender norms and their children, as well as their decisions related to engaging in or resisting gender norms:

(What) do ISM women want their providers to know about their sexual history? This paper explores the decisions ISM women make about whether or not to tell their health care providers about their sexual histories, as well as how their sexual histories/identities influence their choices about health care providers:

Male-Partnered Sexual Minority Women: Sexual Identity Disclosure to Health Care Providers During the Perinatal Period

Bisexuality: The Invisible Sexual Orientation in Sexual and Reproductive Health Care

LGBTQ community connections among ISM explores how and why participants are (or are not) involved with LGBTQ communities.

Consensual nonmonogamy: perceptions and experiences explores ISM women's' experiences of consensual non-monogamy in relation to identity and parenthood:

What are the coming out experiences of ISM women in relation to family?

Male-partnered Bisexual Women’s Perceptions Of Disclosing Sexual Orientation to Family Across the Transition to Parenthood: Intensifying Heteronormativity or Queering Family?

What are the sexual and relationship trajectories of invisible sexual minority women?

Pregnant Plurisexual Women's Sexual and Relationship Histories across the Life Span: A Qualitative Study

Our findings have particular relevance to LGBTQ Families, Service Providers and Researchers. We expect to have findings published sometime in 2017. If you'd like to know more on recent developments, you can check out our April 2016 newsletter.

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Lori Ross
Health Sciences Building
155 College Street, Suite 560
Toronto, ON nbsp;M5T 3M7
Phone: 1.416.978.7514
E-mail: l.ross@utoronto.ca

Dalla Lana School of Public Health
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Saint Michaels Hospital
Midwives Collective of Toronto
Community Midwives of Toronto

DISCLAIMER: Information on this site is not to be used for diagnosis, treatment or referral services and CAMH does not provide diagnostic, treatment or referral services through the Internet. Individuals should contact their personal physician, and/or their local addiction or mental health agency for further information.

© 2024 University of Toronto and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (A PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre fully affiliated with the University of Toronto)